A feature-length film about facing the greatest battle you never imagined

We are glad you are here.

Why are we making this film?

When the unexpected happens, life can change in an instant. Many times we might feel lost, overwhelmed, and unable to see a path forward. Our film examines the strength and resiliency of the human spirit and shows when things seem impossible, we find a way.

What is AFM?

AFM (Acute Flaccid Myelitis) is a rare disease that primarily affects young children. It begins with cold symptoms and results in paralysis, often permanent.

What will this film do?

Our team believes in telling stories that will change the world. The grit and journey many of these families have been through will help save lives through awareness. Early detection and treatment have been shown to improve outcomes. In 2022, signs are still being ignored and parents are sent away from the hospital with no answers. Hours or days later, their children are fighting for their lives.

Awareness is everything.

“Even in the worst conditions something beautiful can grow”